#!/usr/bin/env bash declare -r config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_DIR:-$HOME/.config}/fzmp/conf" usage() { LESS=-FEXR less <<HELP fzmp [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -a --artist search artist then filter by album (or F3 when running) -A --all search all songs in the library (or F2 when running) -g --genre list genres (or F4 when running) -p --playlist search the current playlist (or F1 when running) playlist view has the following keybinds: > go to the next song in the playlist < go to the previous song in the playlist Ctrl-d delete the selected songs from the playlist Ctrl-s save current playlist Ctrl-p toggle play/pause Ctrl-q stop playing -P --playlists list saved playlists (or F5 when running) -h --help print this help CONFIGURATION: A configuration file can be defined at $config_file If a line begins with '#' it is treated as a comment and ignored The configuration file reads the following options: default_view Must be 'artists' 'songs' 'playlist' or 'genres' full_song_format A format string to be passed directly to \`mpc format -f\` in 'playlist' and 'all' views. Defaults to: [[[%artist% / ][[(%date%) ]%album% / ][[%track% - ][%title%]]]|%file%] For colorized output try: [[[\\e\\[32m%artist%\\e\\[0m / ][\\e\\[31m[(%date%) ]%album%\\e\\[0m / ][\\e\\[34m[%track% - ][%title%]\\e\\[0m]]|%file%] playlist_view_key (default F1) track_view_key (default F2) artist_view_key (default F3) genre_view_key (default F4) allows customizing which keys fire the different views findadd_key adds all songs under the cursor by artist/genre/album (default ctrl-space) fzf_options Command line options to be passed directly to fzf. Changing this will override the default options: --height='100%' +s -e -i --reverse --cycle To use the jump feature of fzf you can try: --bind=\`:jump --height='100%' +s -e -i --reverse --cycle It also helps to have a bind for toggle-all: --bind=ctrl-t:toggle-all --bind=\`:jump --height=100% +s -e -i --reverse --cycle individual sessions can override with the environment variable FZMP_FZF_OPTIONS fzmp will also inherit options from FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS HELP } declare default_filter='filter_by_playlist' declare track_format='[[[%artist% / ][[(%date%) ]%album% / ][[%track% - ][%title%]]]|%file%]' declare -r album_listing="mpc search -f '%album%\t%track%\t%title%' artist {} | awk -F'\t' '{ if(album != \$1) { album=\$1; print album } printf \" %2d. %s\n\", \$2, \$3 }'" declare -a config_err declare key_bindings declare -A bindings bindings=( [playlist]='f1' [track]='f2' [artist]='f3' [genre]='f4' [playlists]='f5' [findadd]='ctrl-space' ) do_binding() { local b b=$(action_from_keybind "$1") shift case "$b" in playlist) filter_by_playlist ;; playlists) pick_playlist ;; track) filter_by_songs ;; artist) filter_by_artists ;; genre) filter_by_genres ;; *) [[ -n $1 ]] && { "$@"; return 0; } ;; esac return 1 } action_from_keybind() { for a in "${!bindings[@]}"; do if [[ $1 == "${bindings[$a]}" ]]; then printf '%s' "$a" return 0 fi done return 1 } declare -A colors colors[red]=$(tput setaf 1) colors[green]=$(tput setaf 2) colors[blue]=$(tput setaf 4) colors[reset]=$(tput sgr0) info() { color green "$@" >&2 } color() { local c c="$1" shift printf '%s' "${colors[$c]}" printf '%s\n' "$@" printf '%s' "${colors[reset]}" } err() { color red "$@" >&2 } die() { [[ -n "$1" ]] && err "$*" exit 1 } has() { local loud=0 if [[ $1 == '-v' ]]; then loud=1 shift fi for c; do c="${c%% *}" if ! command -v "$c" &> /dev/null; then (( loud > 0 )) && err "$c not found" return 1 fi done } is_running() { pgrep "$1" &> /dev/null } fzf() { local opts opts=( --reverse --cycle --height=100% ) [[ -v FZMP_FZF_OPTIONS ]] && opts=( $FZMP_FZF_OPTIONS ) if has fzf; then command fzf \ --inline-info \ --ansi \ --no-clear \ "${opts[@]}" "$@" elif has sk; then command sk \ --inline-info \ --ansi \ "${opts[@]}" "$@" else err 'no filter found' fi } parse_config_file() { local line key val nr=0 e while IFS= read -r line; do (( ++nr )) [[ -z "$line" || "$line" = '#'* ]] && continue read -r key <<< "${line%% *}" read -r val <<< "${line#* }" if [[ -z "$val" ]]; then config_err+=( "missing value for \"$key\" in config file on line $nr" ) continue fi case "$key" in full_song_format) track_format="$val" ;; fzf_options) FZMP_FZF_OPTIONS="$val" ;; default_view) if [[ "$val" =~ ^playlist$|^songs$|^artists$|^genres$|^playlists$ ]]; then default_filter="filter_by_$val" else config_err+=( "unknown format \"$val\" in config file on line $nr" ) config_err+=( "default_view must be 'playlist' 'songs' 'artists' 'genres' or 'playlists'" ) fi ;; playlist_view_key) bindings[playlist]="$val" ;; artist_view_key) bindings[artist]="$val" ;; track_view_key) bindings[track]="$val" ;; genre_view_key) bindings[genre]="$val" ;; playlists_view_key) bindings[playlists]="$val" ;; findadd_key) bindings[findadd]="$val" ;; *) config_err+=( "unknown key \"$key\" in config file on line $nr" ) esac done < "$config_file" if (( ${#config_err[@]} > 0 )); then err 'there were errors parsing config file:' for e in "${config_err[@]}"; do err " $e" done fi } filter_by_songs() { local choice mapfile -t choice < <(mpc listall | fzf --prompt='songs > ' \ --multi \ --bind='ctrl-space:execute-silent:printf "%s\n" {+} | cut -f1 | mpc add' \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter" | cut -f1) case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') printf '%s\n' "${choice[@]:1}" | add_songs play ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || exit esac } filter_by_genres() { local choice mapfile -t choice < <(mpc list -f '%genre%' genre '' | awk 'NF' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | fzf --prompt='genres > ' \ --preview='mpc search -f "%artist%" genre {2..} | sort -u' \ --bind="${bindings[findadd]}:execute-silent:mpc findadd genre {2..}" \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter" | sed -r 's/^\s*[0-9]+\s*//') (( ${#choice[@]} > 0 )) || die case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') filter_by_artist_from_genre "${choice[1]}" ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || "$default_filter" ;; esac } filter_by_artist_from_genre() { local artist genre choice genre="$1" mapfile -t choice < <(mpc search -f '%artist%' genre "$genre" | sort -u | awk 'NF' | sort -u | fzf --prompt="$genre > " \ --preview="$album_listing" \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter" \ --bind="${bindings[findadd]}:execute-silent:mpc findadd artist {}") (( ${#choice[@]} > 0 )) || filter_by_genres case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') filter_by_album_from_artist "${choice[1]}" ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || filter_by_genres ;; esac } filter_by_artists() { local choice mapfile -t choice < <(mpc list artist | fzf --prompt='artists > ' \ --preview="$album_listing" \ --bind="${bindings[findadd]}:execute-silent:mpc findadd artist {}" \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter") (( ${#choice[@]} > 0 )) || die case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') filter_by_album_from_artist "${choice[1]}" ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || "$default_filter" ;; esac } filter_by_album_from_artist() { local album artist choice [[ -z "$1" ]] && filter_by_artists artist="$1" printf -v qartist '%q' "$1" mapfile -t choice < <(mpc search -f '[(%date%)]\t[%album%]' artist "$artist" | sort -h | uniq | fzf --prompt="$artist > " \ --preview="mpc search -f '[[[%track% - ][%title%]]|%file%]' artist ${qartist} album {2}" \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter" \ --bind="${bindings[findadd]}:execute-silent:mpc findadd album {2..} artist ${qartist}" \ --delimiter='\t' | cut -f2) case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') filter_songs_from_album "$artist" "${choice[1]}" ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || filter_by_artists ;; esac } filter_songs_from_album() { local album artist choice [[ -z "$1" || -z "$2" ]] && exit 255 artist="$1" album="$2" mapfile -t choice < <(mpc search -f '%file%\t[[[%track% - ][%title%]]|%file%]' artist "${artist}" album "${album}" | fzf --prompt="$artist - $album > " \ --multi \ --with-nth='2..' \ --delimiter='\t' \ --expect="${key_bindings},enter" | cut -f1) case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') printf '%s\n' "${choice[@]:1}" | add_songs play ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || filter_by_album_from_artist "$artist" ;; esac } filter_by_playlist() { local choice current_song=$(mpc current -f "$track_format") mapfile -t choice < <(mpc playlist -f "%position%\t$track_format" | fzf --prompt='playlist > ' \ --multi \ ${current_song:+--header="now playing: ${current_song}"} \ --delimiter='\t' \ --with-nth='2..' \ --bind='ctrl-p:execute-silent:mpc toggle' \ --expect="${key_bindings},>,<,ctrl-d,enter,ctrl-s,ctrl-q" | cut -f1) || die case "${choice[0]}" in '>') mpc -q next; filter_by_playlist ;; '<') mpc -q prev; filter_by_playlist ;; 'enter') [[ -n "${choice[1]}" ]] && mpc -q play "${choice[@]:1}" && filter_by_playlist ;; 'ctrl-d') [[ -n "${choice[1]}" ]] && mpc -q del "${choice[@]:1}" && filter_by_playlist ;; 'ctrl-s') save_playlist; filter_by_playlist ;; 'ctrl-q') mpc -q stop; filter_by_playlist ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || exit ;; esac } save_playlist() { local name playlists confirm tput clear # if [[ -z $(mpc playlist) ]]; then # color red 'cannot save empty playlist' # sleep 0.7 # return 1 # fi read -r -e -p 'Enter playlist name: ' name [[ -z $name ]] && return 1 playlists=$(mpc lsplaylists) if [[ $playlists = *"$name"* ]]; then diff -s --suppress-common-lines --color=always --label="$name" --label='playlist' <(mpc playlist -f '%file%' "$name") <(mpc playlist -f '%file%') read -r -n 1 -p 'Are you sure you want to overwrite this playlist? (press y) ' confirm || return if [[ ${confirm,} = y ]]; then mpc rm "$name" else return fi fi mpc save "$name" } pick_playlist() { local choice mapfile -t choice < <(mpc lsplaylists | fzf --prompt='playlists > ' \ --multi \ --preview='mpc playlist {1}' \ --delimiter='\t' \ --bind='ctrl-space:execute-silent:mpc load {1}' \ --expect="${key_bindings},ctrl-d,enter") case "${choice[0]}" in 'enter') mpc playlist -f '%file%' "${choice[1]}" | add_songs play && filter_by_playlist ;; 'ctrl-d') tput clear read -r -n 1 -p 'Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? (press y) ' confirm if [[ ${confirm} = y ]]; then mpc rm "${choice[1]}" pick_playlist fi ;; *) do_binding "${choice[0]}" || exit esac } add_songs() { local songs index mapfile -t songs (( "${#songs[@]}" > 0 )) || die printf '%s\n' "${songs[@]}" | mpc -q add [[ $1 == play ]] || return index=$(mpc playlist | wc -l) if (( ${#songs[@]} > 1 )); then index=$(( index - ${#songs[@]} + 1)) fi mpc -q play "$index" filter_by_playlist } finish() { tput rmcup } trap finish EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM parse_config_file IFS=',' key_bindings="${bindings[*]}" key_bindings="${key_bindings/,${bindings[findadd]}}" while :; do case "$1" in -A|--all) default_filter='filter_by_songs'; shift ;; -a|--artist) default_filter='filter_by_artists'; shift ;; -p|--playlist) default_filter='filter_by_playlist'; shift ;; -P|--playlists) default_filter='pick_playlist'; shift ;; -g|--genre) default_filter='filter_by_genres'; shift ;; -h|--help) usage; exit ;; *) break esac done has -v fzf mpc || die is_running mpd || [[ -v MPD_HOST ]] || die "can't connect to mpd" tput smcup "$default_filter"