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2021-02-13 19:28:59 +03:00
autocmd! User vim-which-key call which_key#register('<Space>', "g:which_key_map")
" Map leader to which_key
nnoremap <silent> <leader> :silent <c-u> :silent WhichKey '<Space>'<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <leader> :silent <c-u> :silent WhichKeyVisual '<Space>'<CR>
" Create map to add keys to
let g:which_key_map = {}
" No floating
let g:which_key_use_floating_win = 0
" Define a separator
let g:which_key_sep = '→'
set timeoutlen=300
" Highlighting
highlight default link WhichKey Operator
highlight default link WhichKeySeperator DiffAdded
highlight default link WhichKeyGroup Identifier
highlight default link WhichKeyDesc Function
" Hide statusline
autocmd! FileType which_key
autocmd FileType which_key set laststatus=0 noshowmode noruler
\| autocmd BufLeave <buffer> set laststatus=2 noshowmode ruler
" 1-level entries
let g:which_key_map['.'] = [':e $MYVIMRC' , 'open init']
let g:which_key_map['v'] = ['<C-W>v' , 'split right']
let g:which_key_map['='] = ['<C-W>=' , 'balance windows']
let g:which_key_map['h'] = ['<C-W>s' , 'split below']
let g:which_key_map[';'] = [':Commands' , 'commands']
let g:which_key_map['e'] = [':Files' , 'search files']
let g:which_key_map['n'] = [':CocCommand explorer' , 'coc-explorer']
" let g:which_key_map['n'] = [':NERDTreeToggle' , 'nerdtree']
let g:which_key_map['u'] = [':UndotreeToggle' , 'undotree']
let g:which_key_map['?'] = 'coc search'
let g:which_key_map['d'] = 'doge'
let g:which_key_map['T'] = 'tableize range'
" File managers
let g:which_key_map.r = {
\ 'name' : '+FileManagers' ,
\ 'e' : [':Explore' , 'netrw'],
\ 'l' : [':FloatermNew lf' , 'lf'],
\ 'n' : [':NnnPicker' , 'nnn'],
\ 'r' : [':RnvimrToggle' , 'ranger'],
\ 'v' : [':Vifm' , 'vifm'],
\ }
" Actions
let g:which_key_map.a = {
\ 'name' : '+Actions' ,
\ 'a' : 'align text',
\ 'b' : [':Bracey' , 'live server'],
\ 'B' : [':BraceyStop' , 'live server stop'],
\ 'c' : [':ColorizerToggle' , 'colorizer toggle'],
\ 'd' : [':RainbowDelim' , 'rainbow csv on'],
\ 'D' : [':NoRainbowDelim' , 'rainbow csv off'],
\ 'e' : [':ALEDisableBuffer' , 'disable linting'],
\ 'E' : [':ALEEnableBuffer' , 'enable linting'],
\ 'g' : [':Goyo' , 'goyo toggle'],
\ 'i' : [':IndentLinesToggle' , 'indent toggle'],
\ 'l' : [':RainbowAlign' , 'align csv columns'],
\ 'L' : [':RainbowShrink' , 'shrink csv columns'],
\ 'm' : [':MarkdownPreview' , 'markdown preview'],
\ 'M' : [':MarkdownPreviewStop' , 'markdown preview stop'],
\ 'p' : [':DelimitMateSwitch' , 'auto-pairs toggle'],
\ 'r' : [':RainbowToggle' , 'rainbow brackets toggle'],
\ 's' : [':CocCommand cSpell.toggleEnableSpellChecker' , 'spellchecker toggle'],
\ 'v' : [':Vista!!' , 'vista toggle'],
\ 'V' : [':Vista finder coc' , 'vista coc tag'],
\ 'w' : [':ToggleWhitespace' , 'whitespace toggle'],
\ 'W' : [':StripWhitespace' , 'strip whitespace'],
\ }
" Buffer/Tab commands
let g:which_key_map.b = {
\ 'name' : '+Buffer/Tab' ,
\ '/' : ['Buffers' , 'fzf buffer'],
\ 'e' : ['enew' , 'new empty buffer'],
\ 'E' : ['tabnew' , 'new tab'],
\ 'd' : ['bd' , 'delete buffer'],
\ 'D' : ['tabclose' , 'tab close'],
\ 'f' : ['bfirst' , 'first buffer'],
\ 'F' : ['tabfirst' , 'first tab'],
\ 'l' : ['blast' , 'last buffer'],
\ 'L' : ['tablast' , 'last tab'],
\ 'n' : ['bnext' , 'next buffer'],
\ 'N' : ['tabnext' , 'next tab'],
\ 'p' : ['bprevious' , 'previous buffer'],
\ 'P' : ['tabprevious' , 'previous tab'],
\ 'v' : [':Bdelete menu' , 'delete buffers (verbose)'],
\ }
" fzf
let g:which_key_map.f = {
\ 'name' : '+Fzf' ,
\ '/' : [':History/' , 'history'],
\ ';' : [':Commands' , 'commands'],
\ 'a' : [':Ag' , 'text Ag'],
\ 'b' : [':BLines' , 'current buffer'],
\ 'B' : [':Buffers' , 'open buffers'],
\ 'c' : [':Commits' , 'commits'],
\ 'C' : [':BCommits' , 'buffer commits'],
\ 'f' : [':Files!' , 'files'],
\ 'g' : [':GFiles' , 'git files'],
\ 'G' : [':GFiles?' , 'modified git files'],
\ 'h' : [':History' , 'file history'],
\ 'H' : [':History:' , 'command history'],
\ 'l' : [':Lines' , 'lines'] ,
\ 'm' : [':Marks' , 'marks'] ,
\ 'M' : [':Maps' , 'normal maps'] ,
\ 'p' : [':Helptags' , 'help tags'] ,
\ 'P' : [':Tags' , 'project tags'],
\ 's' : [':CocList snippets' , 'snippets'],
\ 'S' : [':Colors' , 'color schemes'],
\ 't' : [':Rg' , 'text Rg'],
\ 'T' : [':BTags' , 'buffer tags'],
\ 'w' : [':Windows' , 'search windows'],
\ 'y' : [':Filetypes' , 'file types'],
\ }
" Sessions (Startify/Dashboard)
let g:which_key_map.s = {
\ 'name' : '+Session' ,
\ 'c' : [':SClose' , 'close session'],
\ 'd' : [':SDelete' , 'delete session'],
\ 'l' : [':SLoad' , 'load session'],
\ 's' : [':SSave' , 'save session'],
\ }
" let g:which_key_map.s = {
" \ 'name' : '+Session' ,
" \ 'l' : [':SessionLoad' , 'load session'],
" \ 's' : [':SessionSave' , 'save session'],
" \ }
" Git commands
let g:which_key_map.g = {
\ 'name' : '+Git' ,
\ 'a' : [':Git add .' , 'add all'],
\ 'A' : [':Git add %' , 'add current'],
\ 'b' : [':Git blame' , 'blame'],
\ 'B' : [':GBrowse' , 'browse'],
\ 'c' : [':Git commit' , 'commit'],
\ 'd' : [':Git diff' , 'diff'],
\ 'D' : [':Gdiffsplit' , 'diff split'],
\ 'f' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterFold)' , 'fold'],
\ 'g' : [':GGrep' , 'git grep'],
\ 'h' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk)' , 'preview hunk'],
\ 'H' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)' , 'stage hunk'],
\ 'j' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk)' , 'next hunk'],
\ 'k' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk)' , 'prev hunk'],
\ 'l' : [':Git log' , 'log'],
\ 'L' : [':GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle' , 'lines toggle'],
\ 'm' : ['<Plug>(git-messenger)' , 'git messages'],
\ 'p' : [':Git push' , 'push'],
\ 'P' : [':Git pull' , 'pull'],
\ 'r' : [':GRemove' , 'remove'],
\ 's' : [':Gstatus' , 'status'],
\ 't' : [':GitGutterSignsToggle' , 'signs toggle'],
\ 'T' : [':GitGutterLineNrHighlightsToggle' , 'linenr toggle'],
\ 'u' : ['<Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk)' , 'undo hunk'],
\ 'v' : [':GV' , 'view commits'],
\ 'V' : [':GV!' , 'view buffer commits'],
\ }
" Coc commands
let g:which_key_map.l = {
\ 'name' : '+CoC' ,
\ '.' : [':CocConfig' , 'config'],
\ ';' : ['<Plug>(coc-refactor)' , 'refactor'],
\ 'a' : 'code action',
\ 'b' : [':CocNext' , 'next action'],
\ 'B' : [':CocPrev' , 'prev action'],
\ 'c' : [':CocList commands' , 'commands'],
\ 'd' : ['<Plug>(coc-definition)' , 'definition'],
\ 'D' : ['<Plug>(coc-declaration)' , 'declaration'],
\ 'e' : [':CocList extensions' , 'extensions'],
\ 'f' : ['<Plug>(coc-format-selected)' , 'format selected'],
\ 'F' : ['<Plug>(coc-format)' , 'format'],
\ 'h' : ['<Plug>(coc-float-hide)' , 'hide'],
\ 'i' : ['<Plug>(coc-implementation)' , 'implementation'],
\ 'I' : [':CocList diagnostics' , 'diagnostics'],
\ 'j' : ['<Plug>(coc-float-jump)' , 'float jump'],
\ 'l' : ['<Plug>(coc-codelens-action)' , 'code lens'],
\ 'n' : ['<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next)' , 'next diagnostic'],
\ 'N' : ['<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next-error)' , 'next error'],
\ 'o' : ['<Plug>(coc-openlink)' , 'open link'],
\ 'O' : [':CocList outline' , 'outline'],
\ 'p' : ['<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev)' , 'prev diagnostic'],
\ 'P' : ['<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev-error)' , 'prev error'],
\ 'q' : ['<Plug>(coc-fix-current)' , 'quickfix'],
\ 'r' : ['<Plug>(coc-rename)' , 'rename'],
\ 'R' : ['<Plug>(coc-references)' , 'references'],
\ 's' : [':CocList -I symbols' , 'references'],
\ 'S' : [':CocList snippets' , 'snippets'],
\ 't' : ['<Plug>(coc-type-definition)' , 'type definition'],
\ 'u' : [':CocListResume' , 'resume list'],
\ 'U' : [':CocUpdate' , 'update CoC'],
\ 'z' : [':CocDisable' , 'disable CoC'],
\ 'Z' : [':CocEnable' , 'enable CoC'],
\ }
" Floaterm
let g:which_key_map.m = {
\ 'name' : '+Terminal' ,
\ ';' : [':FloatermNew --wintype=normal --height=10' , 'terminal'],
\ 'g' : [':FloatermNew lazygit' , 'git'],
\ 'd' : [':FloatermNew lazydocker' , 'docker'],
\ 'n' : [':FloatermNew node' , 'node'],
\ 'p' : [':FloatermNew python' , 'python'],
\ 't' : [':FloatermToggle' , 'toggle'],
\ 's' : [':FloatermNew ncdu --color=dark' , 'ncdu'],
\ 'c' : [':FloatermNew calcurse' , 'calcurse'],
\ }
" Vim wiki
let g:which_key_map.w = {
\ 'name' : '+Wiki' ,
\ 'i' : 'diary index',
\ 's' : 'UI select',
\ 't' : 'tab index',
\ 'w' : 'index',
\ }
" Figlet/Toilet
let g:which_key_map.i = {
\ 'name' : '+Figlet' ,
\ 's' : [':.!figlet -f standard' , 'standard'],
\ 'l' : [':.!figlet -f slant' , 'slant'],
\ 'b' : [':.!figlet -f banner' , 'banner'],
\ 'e' : [':.!figlet -f lean' , 'lean'],
\ 'p' : [':.!figlet -f speed' , 'speed'],
\ 'r' : [':.!figlet -f roman' , 'roman'],
\ 'd' : [':.!figlet -f doh' , 'doh'],
\ 'w' : [':.!figlet -f starwars' , 'starwars'],
\ 'm' : [':.!figlet -f morse' , 'morse'],
\ 'x' : [':.!toilet -f term -F border' , 'border'],
\ }
let g:which_key_map.j = {
2021-02-13 19:28:59 +03:00
\ 'name' : '+Translate' ,
\ 't' : 'default',
\ 'd' : 'direction',
\ 'r' : 'replace',
\ 'c' : 'custom replace',
2021-02-13 19:28:59 +03:00
\ }
" Table mode
let g:which_key_map.t = {
\ 'name' : '+TableMode' ,
\ 'm' : 'toggle table mode',
\ 'r' : 'realign',
\ 't' : 'tableize',
\ 'd' : 'delete row',
\ 'c' : 'delete column',
\ 'i' : 'insert column',
\ 'k' : 'insert column before cursor',
\ 'f' : 'add formula',
\ 'e' : 'evaluate formula line',
\ }
" cheat.sh
let g:which_key_map.K = {
\ 'name' : '+Cheatsheet',
\ }